About the Journal

Iberoamerican Public Law proposes to analyze contemporary public law from a problematic prospective, raising doubts where there are artificial consensus, contributing certainties where permanent dissents are abundant, with the conviction that the primary scientific principles of any investigation in this scope are the fundamental rights of the human person and the common good.

From this perspective, it seeks to link the national and the international scientific community, promoting with special endeavor the integration of Spanish American studies.

The journal promotes, cultivates, and transmits the study of public law funded on the principle of plurality and from the diverse scientific approaches: political and legal philosophy, constitutional theory, constitutional dogma, international law of fundamental rights, legal sociology, history of law and other concurrent disciplines.

In this matter, the journal is directed to a varied public, including lawyers and practical operators of law, as well as the academics and thinkers who see in iberoamerican public law and its development their area of interest and legal investigation.

The journal issued its first copy in the month of October 2012, and since that first number, the editorial team leaded by the Director, Dr. Julio Alvear, has not once interrupted its issuance, achieving to publish every semester since then.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano is a journal that publishes original articles on various legal topics related to Public Law, especially in relation to Fundamental Rights, constitutional justice, political organization, Administrative Law, history of political and legal institutions, economic regulation and other concurrent disciplines such as tax law, economic law, environmental law, electricity law, water law, among others.

Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano is an academic publication of high scientific rigor that has the academic and material support of the Faculty of Law of Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. Universidad del Desarrollo is a higher education institution, ranked as one of the most prestigious and demanding of the national university system.

The Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano has a General Director, a Deputy Director, both academics and holders of the highest university academic hierarchy. An editor, research assistants, an Editorial Committee and a high-level Scientific Council.

Its headquarters are located in the Faculty of Law, part of the Campus Rector Ernesto Silva Bafalluy of the Universidad del Desarrollo, whose address is 700 La Plaza Avenue, Las Condes, Santiago de Chile.

Its business or development model corresponds to that of a non-profit scientific publication, aimed at the cultivation of legal and related sciences. Its policies are public, are available to anyone interested in this website and has known editorial processes that have been previously described in these internal regulations.

The software of the RDPI website is the one corresponding to OJS/PKP.

The management and ongoing training of the Journal's editorial teams are subject to the supervision and direction of the Journal's Director, who responds directly to the respective policies defined by the Dean of the Universidad del Desarrollo Law School and its governing body.