Property rights
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constitutional law
property rights
German Fundamental Law
social function of the property


How to Cite

Soto Velasco, S., & Muñoz Massouh, A. M. (2019). Property rights: Debates in Chile regarding the german experience. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (15), 153–173. Retrieved from


This paper critically examines two recently constitutional amendment bills. Both bills include in the Constitution, following the German Fundamental Law, a provision stating that property must serve the common good. This research studies the foundations of regulation of property in German constitutionalism and the social function provision in Chilean constitutionalism. Both perspectives give us room to conclude that current regulation of the social function, which allow limitations to property rights, is not different to the “common good” provision in the Fundamental Law of Germany. Then, such amendment does not contribute to the Chilean regulation of property right and, on the contrary, it could weak the protection of property.

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Otros documentos

“Proyecto de reforma constitucional que sustituye cada uno de los Capítulos de la Carta Fundamental”, en Congreso Nacional, Boletín n°10193-07.

“Proyecto de reforma constitucional para modificar la Constitución Política de la República”, en Congreso Nacional, Boletín n°11617.07.

Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemán (Bundesverfassungsgericht)

Sentencia BVerfGE 14, 288 del 11 de octubre de 1962.

Sentencia BVerfGE 21, 73 del 12 de enero de 1967.

Sentencia BVerfGE 25, 112 del 15 de enero de 1969.

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Sentencia BVerfGE 42, 64 de 24 de marzo de 1976.

Sentencia BVerfGE 50, 290 del 1 de marzo de 1979.

Sentencia BVerfGE 100, 226 del 2 de marzo de 1999.

Sentencia BVerfGE 102, 1 del 16 de febrero de 200


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