The law, between source and foundation
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Sources of the law
foundations of the juridical order
selfreferentiality of the juridical order


How to Cite

Castellano, D. (2020). The law, between source and foundation. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (3), 191–200. Retrieved from


This essay highlights that issues related to the sources of the law–especially in connection with their production–is normally considered immanent to the juridical order, by (positive-) law theorists. In other words, it could only be address from within the system, which should be seen as necessarily closed and absolutely self-referential. In this way, the issue of the foundation, which is posted by the juridical order itself, is altogether bypassed. The essay suggests that the expression ‘sources of the law’ is improper. Law, indeed, calls for a foundation, which can only be offered by justice.

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