The struggle against inequality
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Affirmative action
Constitution of USA
Constitution of India
reverse discrimination


How to Cite

Sánchez González, S. . (2014). The struggle against inequality: Affirmative actions and socioeconomic rights in USA and India. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (4), 65–99. Retrieved from


For many years some of us had believed that the policy of affirmative action was a mechanism introduced in USA as an answer to racial discrimination. We fully ignored that far away from our political and cultural area, the Constitution of India, enacted in 1950, empowered its government to strive against the inequality coming from a social structure lavishly and deeply divided along caste lines. Were the Americans familiar with the Hindis’ experience with quotas and reservations in trying to eliminate inequality? It does seem, they were not. This paper intends to show the constitutional basis from which the question is focused, how the two systems have evolved, and which have been the outcomes of the respective policies in dealing with the problem.

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