Tax credit and tax reorganization


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How to Cite

Uribe Muñoz, D. (2024). Tax credit and tax reorganization. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (23), 37–55. (Original work published October 28, 2023)


The determination of the legal nature of the tax credit generated by VAT has a significant impact on companies that face business reorganization processes, given that there is controversy over whether this tax credit should be considered a very personal right or property right. In the context of business reorganizations, such as conversion of individual companies, division and merger of companies, the question arises as to whether it is possible to use this tax credit by the continuing companies, which acquire the assets and liabilities. This gives rise to the importance of finding solutions to the indeterminacy of the legal nature of the tax credit
to avoid its loss and unusability, in line with the protection of the principles of tax justice1, fair distribution of taxes, the good faith of the tax-payer, and the need for tax equity for both taxpayers and the State.
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Bardón, Álvaro, Manual de economía, 4ª ed., Santiago, Editorial Andrés Bello, 1997.

Faúndez U., Antonio, Tributación en las reorganizaciones empresariales, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2021.

Hidalgo, V. Abel, “Recuperación del IVA en las liquidaciones concursales”, en Anuario de Derecho Tributario, n.° 12, 2020.

Larraz, José, Metodología aplicativa del derecho tributario, Madrid, Editorial Revista de Derecho Privado, 1952.

Ribera Neumann, Teodoro, “La potestad tributaria del Estado”, en Revista de Derecho Público, n.° 62, 2000.

Soto K., Eduardo, “La fundamentación del acto administrativo y el vicio por inexistencia de los hechos. Un recuento jurisprudencial”, en Actualidad Jurídica, n.° 3, 2001.

Jurisprudencia Judicial

Corte Suprema, 17 de agosto de 1953, en Revista Derecho y Jurisprudencia, tomo l, segunda parte, sección primera, Santiago, 1953.

Jurisprudencia administrativa

SII, circular n.º 124, de 7 de octubre de 1975.

SII, oficio ordinario n.° 4852, de 19 de diciembre de 2000.

SII, oficio ordinario n.° 4276, de 26 de octubre de 2001.

SII, oficio ordinario n.° 1850, de 17 de octubre de 2017.

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