Ethics Code

The Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano offers to the general public and the academic community all articles, papers, essays, case law commentaries and other materials published in its issues, with the obligation that those who use them must always account for the source used. The Journal maintains an updated website with a digital copy of all its issues, ordered by dates, subjects and authors, in PDF format. Access to the Journal's website, as well as to all published materials and works, will be free of charge to the public.

Metadata on authorship, topographical location, dates and others are available by issue number and by paper.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano adheres to the principles and practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). More details in our Policies.

The Journal establishes the following ethical policies:

    1. The publication of a work, essay, research or any other in the editions of the Journal, require authorization from its author. No exception is contemplated other than the publication of works whose copyrights have expired and are, therefore, cultural material for all mankind.
    2. Whenever a work has consulted the study of vulnerable populations, the author(s) will be required to submit to the Journal the set of express authorizations to collect, process and publish the information related to such vulnerable populations or sectors or in a situation of material precariousness. Without this documentation, the article cannot be published.
    3. In relation to research carried out with animals, documents will be required to prove the proper treatment of the creatures subjected to the study, the authorization and approval of their owners, and any other background, which, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, is necessary to verify that the research was carried out in accordance with the national legislation in force and the corresponding ethical standards.
    4. When the article is the result of research conducted on individuals, the corresponding certificates of authorization from them shall be required for the publication of the material related to the same.
    5. When the article has consulted the use and use of confidential data, it is required that such data, when included in the body of the article, cannot lead to the identification of the person who provided the data or on whom the data falls. This duty of confidentiality may be excused if the author of the paper accompanies a certificate issued by the source of the confidential data, expressly authorizing its use and publication. In the case of legally mandated confidential data, they may not be published in the Journal.
    6. In relation to works that deal with topics related to the design, management or execution of business and other topics concerning marketing, the ethical guidelines commonly accepted in such areas will always be respected, especially the confidentiality reserve on data of commercial interest, respect for intellectual and industrial property, trademarks, investment patents and industrial models, etc.

The following are the rights and obligations of:

  1. The editors: shall be obliged to verify in reasonable terms, compliance with formal, style, editorial and ethical standards of the papers submitted to their decision to publish. They have the right to reject or accept articles insofar as they meet or fail to meet the established requirements.
  2. Peer evaluators/reviewers: They are obliged to inform the Editor of any non-compliance with ethical standards that they detect in the work submitted for their review. They have the right to have their identity protected at all times.
  3. Authors: They are obliged to strictly comply with the ethical rules that govern the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano. In turn, they have the right to be informed about the existence of an investigative summary of their work and to provide truthful information to clarify compliance with the ethical rules outlined above. Likewise, they have the right to be informed of the reasons for rejection, when this is based on non-compliance with the ethical rules governing the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano.

In case there is more than one author for a paper, the authors should clarify their primary or secondary participation in the writing of the article. If this item is not complied with, it will be presumed that the text has been written collectively in an equivalent manner. Should any of the authors make a claim of primary authorship that is not recognized or accepted by the others, the Editorial Committee will ask all the authors for the necessary background information to verify their individual contribution. With this background information, the Committee will decide without further appeal. If there is no background information to clarify the authorship and its percentage of individual creation, the Committee may decide to reject the publication.

Bearing in mind the legislation in force, the Journal submits its actions to the constitutional and legal norms and international treaties subscribed by Chile and which are in force regarding respect for intellectual and industrial property and all its related and derived rights.

Authors are required to transfer their copyrights related to the publication of the work or article submitted to the Journal. This always leaves the author's ownership of the moral rights of intellectual property, which are governed by the respective legislation.

If the author has an exclusive or preferential publication agreement with any publishing house, or requires any form of license or permission, he/she must attach to his/her work an express authorization from said publishing house, which explicitly allows the Journal to publish the material submitted for its consideration. Without this authorization, the work will be rejected.

In relation to the above, it is reiterated that the Journal does not remunerate or demand any charge from the authors for the works submitted for publication.

Public access to the works published by the Journal in electronic format, and which are hosted in its servers or in other academic databases, is also completely free, without any payment for downloading and use, except for the explicit mention of the pertinent editorial data of the Journal.

No work or article that has been previously published by its author in another journal or academic or popularization publication may be published in the Journal, unless, by agreement of the Editorial Committee, the convenience of its republication in the corresponding issue is determined, in which case, the journal and/or electronic site in which the article was originally published will be expressly mentioned in the initial footnote.

Plagiarism is, in principle, an absolute limitation for the publication of any material in the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano. “Plagiarism" is understood as any type of substantial copy of another's work, claiming it as one's own. Plagiarism and its derivatives will give rise to the instruction of investigative summaries, explicit rejections of publication and other sanctions deemed appropriate, such as the future prohibition to publish any collaboration received from the author of the plagiarism.

Derivatives of plagiarism will be treated in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. The following are considered "derivatives":

  1. The use of phantom sources, the author knowing the respective source without declaring it.
  2. Self-plagiarism or reuse of the author's own writing, previously published, which is used as if it were unpublished original, without citing its previous publication.
  3. Plagiarism of sources, or partial or total use of a knowingly incorrect or non-existent source.
  4. Plagiarism of data, that is, the invention of quantitative research in support of one's own argument, but without the existence of such research or database.
  5. Abusive paraphrasing, which consists of using someone else's text, changing the words, but maintaining its original meaning, without placing the text in single quotation marks and without citing its source at the foot of the page.
  6. Inaccurate authorship, which occurs when a person has contributed all or part of a work and its writing is not recognized by the person who claims authorship or principal authorship, and also when an author is considered as such in the attribution of authorship of the work and only contributed his or her name, without having participated at all in the writing of the article.
  7. Mosaic plagiarism, i.e., combining parts, sentences, phrases or scattered texts of another author in one's own work, but without acknowledgment in the citation apparatus, passing it off as the work of the author who submitted it for publication.
  8. Others that the Editorial Committee of the Journal deems equivalent to those described above.

Redundant or superimposed publication, that is, the submission of a paper to the Journal that has been simultaneously submitted to another or other academic or general journals, will be an absolute impediment for such paper to be published. Authors are required to submit their work exclusively to the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano and that it is not in the process of being reviewed or edited by any other journal. This obligation only ceases once the Editorial Committee has determined to reject an article or paper and that resolution has been communicated to the author.

Peer review is a substantial part of the work of the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano. It is directed, formulated, reformulated and executed by its Director and Editorial Committee and responds to the guidelines published on its web page.

Peer reviewers receive a detailed model form together with the papers to be reviewed, which must be filled in rigorously. In accordance with this instrument, the Journal carries out its policy of scientific review of the articles and papers submitted to it.

As already indicated, there are policies and instruments for the resolution of conflicts of interest, review and detection of ethical misconduct.

Likewise, as indicated below, there are policies for resolving disputes that may arise in the review or critique of materials.

The Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano, in accordance with the guidelines established by its Editor and Editorial Committee, is open to the publication of discussion materials, which must follow the same scientific guidelines and review as the other works to be published.

To this end, such materials are published on the journal's website in the format of Forum or successive publications, which are moderated by the editor. Respectful and academic writing is required, and colloquial expressions, disqualifications, attacks on the author of the material under discussion and any other form of argumentative fallacy are forbidden. The use of these inappropriate instruments will entitle the Journal to exercise its active moderation and remove from the forum the opinions that violate these rules of coexistence or even exclude them from the debate.

As already stated, the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano has a vigorous policy of correction, revision and, eventually, retraction of articles submitted for publication.

In the event of receiving a complaint about the authorship, originality or any other matter related to the published works, the procedure for investigative summary will be carried out according to the rules for the treatment of complaints about research misconduct.

If complaints are made against the Journal, its staff, editorial board or editor, a summary will be conducted according to the disciplinary regulations of the Universidad del Desarrollo, available here.

In the event of a situation, complaint or claim of conflict of interest, an investigative investigation will be carried out in accordance with the rules for the treatment of complaints of research misconduct.

If the situation is detected before the publication of the work, the Editorial Committee may require all the respective information from the author, complainants and peer reviewers, as appropriate, and with this information and others that it collects, it may determine the rejection of the publication.

If the situation of conflict of interest or conflict of interest is detected after the work has been published, the procedure will be analogous to the previous paragraph and, with all the information, the Editorial Committee may reject the claim or complaint, or determine the publication of an editorial note clarifying the situation, determining responsibilities and issuing an editorial pronouncement on the matter in the next issue of the Journal.

Complaints will be received by e-mail to [email protected], addressed to the editor of the journal, Dr. Julio Alvear Téllez, who will forward it to the Editor, who will evaluate the merit of the complaint. The Editor together with the Editorial Committee will have a period of fifteen days to define the initiation of an investigative summary, which in any case will be sent by e-mail to the complainant within the same date.

During the investigation, which will have a maximum duration of 60 days from its initiation, the Editorial Committee may request further information from the complainant or his/her personal appearance for a meeting with the Editor of the Journal and the Editorial Committee. Once the process has been completed, the Editorial Committee will decide within 10 days, which will be notified by means of a report sent to the complainant's e-mail address.

If a complaint is accepted, the resolution will be published in a retraction document in the following issue, and in the event that the article in question has not yet been published, Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano reserves the right not to publish articles in which there has been misconduct in the research, or plagiarism, or manipulation of quotations and falsification or fabrication of data.