
Entries must be submitted through the “submissions” section of this website, after author registration in case the author does not already have a profile created on the platform.

The review process for the publication of articles in the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano consists of the following stages:

1. Editorial review: the articles submitted will be subject to a review by the Editorial Team, which will examine compliance with the formal rules. Failure to comply with these requirements will imply the declaration of inadmissibility of the contribution.

The author will be duly informed of the decision on this item within 15 days from receipt of the article.

2. Peer review: Papers declared admissible will be sent within 15 days for their respective peer review, in which the relevance or timeliness of the subject matter, writing, originality, argumentative and conclusive soundness, correct use of bibliographic sources, compatibility with the editorial guidelines defined by the Editorial Committee of the Journal and other editorial standards, among others, will be judged. For these purposes, the identity of the author and peer reviewers will be reserved, who in any case will be specialists in the subject matter of the contribution submitted, with an academic degree of doctor or master's degree or full professors of an accredited university of recognized academic prestige. Peer reviewers must also have at least one publication in peer-reviewed journals and have no institutional or academic relationship with the author.

The evaluation carried out by the external peer reviewers will be anonymous.

The decision to accept or reject an article will correspond to the Editorial Team, based on the result of the evaluation carried out by the reviewers. Decisions will be communicated within 60 days from the declaration of admissibility.

Peer review will follow the following guidelines:

      1. If the work is declared fit for publication without any review, the Editorial Committee may proceed to its acceptance;
      2. If the work is in conditions to be published, with minor corrections according to the peer reviewers' report, the author will be requested to save the observations made. The author must satisfactorily comply with the observations within 10 days. If the author does not comply with them or if the deadline expires, the article will be rejected, unless the Committee decides to grant an additional period of time;
      3. If the paper is not ready for publication without incorporating the major corrections contained in the peer reviewers' reports, the evaluation guidelines will be sent to the author, so that he/she may present the corrections within 20 days and submit it again for consideration by the peer reviewers.
      4. If, according to the peer reviewers' reports, the work is not fit for publication, the Editorial Committee may reject the collaboration outright.

The peer reviewers should immediately inform the Editor of the Journal if they observe that the work submitted for their consideration is not original or presents problems of plagiarism or copyright. However, once the original is received, the peer reviewer should abstain from the evaluation if, for any reason, he/she recognizes the identity of the author or becomes aware of it.

Contributions to the other sections of the Journal (essays, annotated jurisprudence and bibliographical comments) will be subject to an admissibility control by the Editorial Committee.

Any contribution declared accepted will be published according to the date of acceptance and material availability of the Journal.

The results of the evaluation, whether positive or negative, will be communicated to the persons who have sent the papers, together with the opinions of the persons who carried out the evaluation, omitting their identity, within 15 days after the decision of the Editorial Committee to accept or reject the publication.

The deadlines contemplated in these rules are calendar days.

Frequency of publication: Derecho Público Iberoamericano is a biannual Journal, published every April 30 and October 31, respectively.

About the authors

We will understand by author(s) those who materially elaborate the original article, making a substantial contribution to the work. The Editorial Committee attests to the originality and information provided by the authors, who are solely responsible for the statements they make to the journal's management. Those who make other types of contributions to the elaboration of the articles will be collaborators, and should be mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the article.

Duties of the authors

  1. The article must be original, unpublished and must contain significant contributions in the areas of interest of the journal.
  2. The article cannot be sent simultaneously to another journal for evaluation.
  3. The authors, by the fact of publishing in the magazine, accept the editorial and intellectual property rules.
  4. The authors must make the corrections requested by the management and the editorial team.
  5. The sources used in the article must be cited accurately and exhaustively, without incurring in any kind of plagiarism.
  6. Authors should clearly inform in the text sent by the sources of funding for their work or the existence of conflicts of interest that could affect the impartiality of the research.
  7. The author will communicate in all cases to the e-mail of the magazine [email protected].

About the editor

By editor we mean those natural persons responsible for receiving the articles and publishing the magazine every six months.

Duties of the editor

  1. Upon receiving a manuscript in the mail and/or in the platform of the journal, select it considering the academic and scientific merit, respecting the rules for authors and the established deadlines.
  2. Notify authors if their articles have been selected or rejected. If selected, the author may be asked to standardize them according to the journal's editorial and citation standards.
  3. Reject any articles where a conflict of interest or academic plagiarism is suspected.
  4. Send accepted articles for double evaluation, guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality regarding both who writes the text and who evaluates it.
  5. Inform the authors if the article has been accepted, accepted with improvements or rejected.
  6. Maintain constant communication with authors and evaluators, clarifying any doubts that may arise during the review, evaluation and publication process.
  7. To make the necessary clarifications, rectifications, amendments or withdrawal of articles to solve the problems detected after the publication of an issue of the journal. These will be informed on the journal's website.
  8. Receive and answer queries from third parties outside the publication process.

About the evaluators

The evaluator is a natural person who evaluates the articles that the editorial team selects according to the standards provided by the journal, considering criteria of quality and academic originality.

Duties of Peer Reviewers

  1. The evaluators should carry out an objective analysis of the manuscripts submitted for review. The evaluators can only accept the revision of those texts for which they have sufficient competence, experience, and knowledge to be able to carry out their analysis.
  2. Evaluators should report potential conflicts of interest to the editor.
  3. If they do not have the necessary skills, experience or knowledge to carry out the evaluation, or if there are conflicts of interest, they should reject the evaluation of the manuscript.
  4. The evaluators will not know the authorship of the article they are evaluating.
  5. The evaluators must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript during the review process. They may not disseminate the content of the manuscript in any way.
  6. The evaluators must inform within the period assigned by the management and editorial team the observations regarding the manuscript, which must be founded, as well as the recommendation for publication.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. In this way, the rights of the authors are guaranteed and safeguarded, who grant the Journal the property rights for its first publication, being their responsibility to ensure that the work has not been published before. Any total or partial reproduction of the material must cite its origin, the author or authors of the work and its publication in this journal.

The rights of the published images belong to their authors, who grant the Journal the license for their use. The management of permissions and authorization for publication of images (or any material) containing copyrights and their consequent reproduction rights in this publication is the exclusive responsibility of the authors of the articles.

Authors are free to make other contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article they publish in this Journal (such as including it in an institutional collection or publishing it in a book), as long as they clearly indicate the original publication of the work in this journal.

The authors expressly authorize the publication, edition and distribution of their work, in first edition language, by printed, digital and/or electronic means, as well as its reproduction, adaptation and edition by any means or procedure other than alphanumeric writing, including writing in Braille language, audio and video recordings, etc. This authorization is non-exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual and non-revocable.

The authors who publish in this journal agree to the following conditions: The authors retain the copyright and grant the magazine the right of first publication, with the work also under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows third parties to use what has been published as long as they refer to the author or authors of the work and its publication in this magazine.

Authors are free to make other contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of the article they publish in this journal (such as including it in an institutional collection or publishing it in a book), as long as they clearly indicate the original publication of the work in this journal.

The authors expressly authorize the publication, edition and distribution of their work, in the first edition language, by printed, digital and/or electronic means, as well as its reproduction, adaptation and edition by any means or procedure other than alphanumeric writing, including writing in Braille language, audio and video recordings, etc. This authorization is non-exclusive, free of charge, indefinite, perpetual and non-revocable.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano does not establish fees or costs for the submission or publication of works or collaborations.

The Journal provides free access to all articles published in Derecho Público Iberoamericano, encouraging the exchange and dissemination of contributions at no cost to readers.

Without prejudice to the conservation of electronic backup copies in various international databases such as CLOCKSS or PubMedCentral, the Revista de Derecho Público Iberoamericano has all of its archives published on its web page and is supported by the bibliographic repertoire of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano does not contemplate advertisements, however, information and news regarding new articles published, editorial news, events organized, among others, will be communicated through the official channels of the Journal and its social networks.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano is sponsored by the Universidad del Desarrollo, receiving its support and financing for the publications.

Derecho Público Iberoamericano is owned and managed by Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.