Editorial: A New Green Bauhaus from the Global South

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Mauricio Novoa Muñoz
Rodrigo Vargas Callegari

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Author Biographies

Mauricio Novoa Muñoz, Western Sydney University (WSU), Australia.

Mauricio Novoa Muñoz is the Academic Program Advisor for the courses of Bachelor of Industrial Design (ID) Honours, ID, and Design and Technology at SoEDBE, WSU, Australia. He holds a Ph.D. Cultural Studies (WSU), Ma. Design (UTS), and a Ba. Fine Arts (PUCC) and is a Senior Fellow of the High Education Academy, UK. With more than three decades of industry experience and eighteen years as a lecturer and academic researcher, he focuses on enabling social transformation and transition to a fair and sustainable society in first and third-world countries through innovation in ID, interaction design (IxD), intelligent augmentation (IA), pedagogy, practice, social design, XR (AR, MR, VR), mobility, urban and digital futures. Locally, he is a member of the Urban Transformation Research Centre (UTRC), and the Centre for Smart Modern Construction (C4SMC) and supervises Ph.D. candidates in design methodologies and processes, digital and physical transformation, emergency and resilience, health and rehabilitation, housing and sustainability, machine learning, social robotics, and technology creation and diffusion. 

Rodrigo Vargas Callegari, Universidad de Valparaíso (UVC), Chile

Rodrigo Vargas Callegari holds a Bachelor's degree in Design and Product Design from the University of Valparaíso (1995), a Master's degree in Strategic Design from the same university (2009) and a PhD in Sociology from Alberto Hurtado University (2019). He is a lecturer of Design at the University of Valparaíso and Universidad del Desarrollo and a researcher at the Center for Prospective Studies at the University of Valparaíso. Vargas is an evaluator of design research projects and participates as a peer evaluator of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in accreditation processes. He has been director of the School of Design and the Postgraduate Department of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Valparaíso. He has given lectures and conferences in different academic centres, seminars, and congresses in Chile and abroad. 


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