Base Diseño e Innovación relies on referees to review and evaluate the content of submitted articles based solely on the relevance of the research or project, the quality of the writing, its originality, clarity, the significance of the bibliography, and alignment with the issue's theme. The decisions made by the referees are final and cannot be overturned by any member of the journal's editorial team.

Upon receiving an article, editors and referees may suggest partial modifications to enhance its clarity or coherence without altering the essence of the author's arguments. Once an article is accepted for publication, Base Diseño e Innovación reserves the right to reproduce its content for dissemination, with due credit to the authors. Authors retain the intellectual property rights of their work, as recognized by law.


Base Diseño e Innovación's open access policy complies with the DOAJ definition of open access. The journal provides open, immediate, and free access to its published content, contributing to the democratization of knowledge and global intellectual exchange. That is, there are no embargo periods and readers do not need to register to access and download content.


Base Diseño e Innovación's electronic version is hosted on servers of the Universidad del Desarrollo, guaranteeing its accessibility over time. Besides, Universidad del Desarrollo has an Institutional Repository that stores all the articles that Base Diseño e Innovación publishes.


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  • Authors retain the copyright to their work while granting the journal the right of first publication under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This license permits third parties to use the published work, provided they appropriately attribute it to the author(s) and acknowledge its original publication in this journal. 
  • Authors are free to make other contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article they publish in this journal. For example, in any of its versions - submitted, accepted and/or published - the article may be included in an institutional repository defined by the author. It must be clearly indicated that the work's original publication was in Base Diseño e Innovación open-access journal.
  • The authors expressly release the School of Design at Universidad del Desarrollo from any liability for legal, contractual, or regulatory violations they may have committed concerning the work. They further agree to indemnify the institution for any damages from such infringements. 

All articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This license allows authors to share their work with the following conditions:

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Base Diseño e Innovación is committed to guaranteeing the quality of the published articles. Likewise, it rejects plagiarism and undertakes not to publish works with fraudulent content. By signing the "Declaration of Authorship, Good Practices and Exclusive Licensing," authors guarantee that all parts of the manuscript they submit, and its materials are original or do not infringe copyright. In the case of co-authored articles, acceptance of these conditions implies that all authors endorse the submission's originality. All persons listed as authors must have contributed significantly to the research. Similarly, all authors must provide retractions and corrections of errors where appropriate. If plagiarism is detected—whether involving content from another author or self-plagiarism, such as the replication of hypotheses, data, discussion points, or conclusions from the author's prior work—the journal will follow the retraction procedures recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors are required to disclose whether any part of the material has been previously published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In line with international conventions on ethical publishing practices, it is strictly prohibited to publish significant research findings in more than one journal. Similarly, authors must refrain from submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously. Additionally, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain permissions for any copyrighted images used in the manuscript. These permissions must be submitted alongside the article for evaluation.

If misconduct or unethical actions are identified, they should be reported to the journal’s editor and publisher. Such actions include, but are not limited to, examples like plagiarism or the falsification of research. Those reporting unethical conduct must provide sufficient information and evidence to enable an investigation. All allegations will be taken seriously and treated consistently until a resolution or agreement is reached.


  • The editor is responsible for determining the appropriate form of enquiry and may consult the editorial board for advice when making this decision.  
  • Evidence should be collected to avoid exacerbating the situation or encouraging the spread of accusations. 


  • Notifying the author or reviewer of a misunderstanding or misapplication of the journal’s ethical standards.
  • Sending the author a formal letter or statement outlining the unethical behaviour and issuing a warning.
  • Publishing a formal notice detailing the misconduct.
  • Issuing an editorial commentary describing the inappropriate behaviour.
  • Formally retracting and removing the papers from the journal, with notification sent to the author’s supervisor, the panel of reviewers, and the journal’s audience.
  • Implementing a formal embargo on the author’s submissions for a specified period.
  • For issues related to authorship, plagiarism, fraud, rights, and confidentiality, this publication adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct and best practices for publishers of scientific journals.