Mobility maps for the co-creation of sustainable cities

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Rubén Sahagún Angulo


Mobility is one of the most relevant issues in cities due to the importance of its operation and related problems. Pollution, insecurity, and spending time and money on transfers are some of the most relevant issues. The technological change and the generation of more road and public transport infrastructure have not been enough to contain the harmful effects. Schools and companies, as the leading daily destination for commuting, can play a vital role if they contribute to improving the mobility of their communities and, therefore, co-creating sustainable cities. The study presented in this document is developed by generating maps of the communities to provide helpful information to analyse, diagnose and create strategies that improve the mobility of any interested company or school.

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Author Biography

Rubén Sahagún Angulo, Department of Research and Knowledge of Design, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Mexico

Rubén Sahagún Angulo studied Industrial Design at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM). Subsequently, he obtained his Master's in Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Design from UNAM. He is studying for a doctorate in Sustainability and Urban Regeneration at the UPM in Madrid. He is responsible for the Centre of Design for Sustainability of the SDSN Mexico Network and the UAM Ecodesign Laboratory and Material Library.


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