Jurisprudence comments

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Rodrigo Céspedes
Nationality, international law and public charges: A case during the 1833 Constitution
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Rodrigo Céspedes
Naval discipline, storms and basic principles of international law in the XIX century: The Monsoon case
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Alejandro Leiva López
On the unconstitutionality of the figure of mandatory "mediation" contained in Article 43 of Law No. 19,966 : commentary on the sentence of the Constitutional Court role No. 2042-11 of July 10, 2012
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Cristián Román Cordero
Principle of singular non-derogability of the Regulation: Commentary on the decision of the Supreme Court Nº143.849-2020
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Francisco Pfeffer Urquiaga
Privileged information: Criteria established in recent rulings of the Supreme Court
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Francisco Zúñiga Urbina
Proceedings under the jurisdiction of the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Courts of the Judiciary: Analysis of a case of judicial and controller activism
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Eduardo Soto Kloss
Protection from court decisions: Affirming a principle, but full of exceptions
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Eduardo Soto Kloss
Responsibility of the Municipalities
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Guillermo Leighton García
Right of information to the patient. Practical Scope: Commentary on the Supreme Court ruling dated December 29, 2017
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Eduardo Soto Kloss
Supreme Court, May 27, 2022: Placencia Delgado v Fisco
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Alejandro Villanueva Turnes
The decision of the Spanish Constitutional Court regarding inheritance and gift tax rebates for residents of the Autonomous Community: Sentence of the Constitutional Court 60/2015 of March 18
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Eduardo Soto Kloss
The Decline in Chilean Administrative Law: Extinction of the Administrative Procedure? Extinction of the Administrative Act? Of the law as literature of fiction
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Nicolás Augusto Romero Páez
The doctrine of the unconstitutional state of things in Colombia: Novelties of neoconstitutionalism and the "unconstitutionality of reality"
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Eduardo Soto Kloss
The foundation of the administrative act in the jurisprudence of the Ordinary Courts of Justice
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Gonzalo Carrasco Astudillo
The responsibility of the State in the Antuco case: Faults not devoid of any link to the service
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Rodrigo Céspedes Proto
The right of angaria: A Chilean precedent of the 19th century
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Francisco Zúñiga Urbina, Roberto Cárcamo Tapia
Unconstitutionality of constitutional norms? A case of "abusive constitutionalism"
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Rodrigo Céspedes
War contributions during the occupation of Tacna: The Vargas Case (1907)
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Rodrigo Céspedes
War of Independence, dams and international arbitration: The Abbey Case (1864)
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Rodrigo Céspedes Proto
Women's right to public service: A Chilean case from the 19th century
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Ignacio Covarrubias Cuevas
The worst Leviathan: The imperceptible and therefore uncontrollable power of cameras hidden in the private sphere under the pretext of public interest
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