Monitoring of Moderate and Late Prematurity: Contribution to a new Health Policy in Chile




Moderate and late prematurity, Psychomotor and behavioral development, Height, Neurodevelopment


Introduction: Moderate and late prematurity corresponds to more than 70% of the total number of premature babies worldwide and significantly affects infant morbidity and mortality. Various studies show a high risk of psychomotor, behavioral and height alterations, associated with non-monitoring during the early stages of development. In Chile, there is no monitoring plan or documented experiences in this regard. Objective: Determine and unify the evaluations and/or interventions that should be carried out on Moderate and Late Premature children. Methodology: Systematic Review from October 2023 to January 2024. Using PRISMA, 31 articles were selected. Results: There is a negative impact on neurological development due to not timely follow-up and intervention in late preterm infants, along with behavioral alterations and psychomotor problems. Discussion: the impact on neurological, weight, psychomotor development, among others, is discussed due to the lack of timely follow-up of the late preterm newborn. Conclusion: There is an impact on psychomotor, behavioral and body development that can be detected in time with adequate follow-up of moderate and late preterm infants. In Chile, evidence must be presented to strengthen public policy responding to a public health problem of national impact.


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How to Cite

Neira Figueroa MA, Campamá Rivera MJ, Guaman Robayo G, Alcázar Méndez L. Monitoring of Moderate and Late Prematurity: Contribution to a new Health Policy in Chile. Rev. Conflu [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];7. Available from:



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