Culture for innovation in Chile The experience of Corporate Creative Cultures Ranking (C3)

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Francisco Martínez
Pablo Correa


These articles present the methodology C3 as an instrument to diagnose and promote a kind of culture for innovation inside companies in chile. To do this, in first place, it is necessary to bear in mind the important role of organizational culture in the promotion and development of innovation. In second place, the construction of model C3 is exposed as methodology to measure creative culture drivers, and the implementation of ranking C3 developed Business and Economics School and Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute of Universidad del Uesarrollo, in conjunction with MMC Consultants. In third place, the main results of the national benchmark of creative culture in Chilean companies are described. Finally, respective conclusions are presented. 

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Consejo Nacional de Innovación para la Competitividad (2013),Orientaciones Estratégicas para la Innovación, Santiago de Chile.

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