Information and Digital Competencies as vectors for creativity and collaborative learning in the design process

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César Vicente Galagarza


This academic experience was developed due to a not foreseen change in the traditional didactic of the course: three-dimensional design fundamentals, as a result of the suspension of face-to-face classes at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, caused by the natural disasters of the “el niño costero” phenomenon. To overcome this complication–which lasted five weeks– and counted with the participation of 34 students, and two teachers in charge, it was proposed to integrate the platform of the social network facebook, as a non-formal electronic forum. The objective was to share information, develop creativity and encourage collaborative learning in the design process to solve an unstructured problem. With this purpose, guidelines were established on the use and interaction of the students in the platform, in order to maintain a reticular link and an order in the publication of comments and information. During the design process, there were collaborative design stages among the students, use of information and communication technology (ICT) resources to search and identify quality information, document the processes, adapt and share data and information, and get feedback from other study partners, activating autonomous learning and, collaboratively, build an educational network with the student as the protagonist. The results were significant, considering satisfactory levels within several variables such as: communication, opportunity in the use of digital tools, collaborative work, originality and creativity in the design of products.

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