Co-design experiences between students of Visual Communication and Vulnerable Economic Units

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Beatriz Leibner Ruzic


In the interdisciplinary products seminar (SIP, for its acronym in spanish), we have developed, in recent years, a work method that includes an integrative system of education through experiences of co-design between students and guest entrepreneurs of vulnerable economic units. This development began as a response to the need to address the three functions of university education from the classroom work within a final project level. The context of this experience was a search by the academic team for a way to transcend the transference of disciplinary content to attend the development of a critical and reflective attitude in professionals committed with the sociocultural reality in which they are immersed. The intention was to work in two phases of learning of the students: finding mechanisms that would operate in the generation of a significant learning experience and simultaneously working connected with the real world. Since 2014 until today, the analytical program of the curricular unit has been implemented through increasingly active professional internships. 

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