Teaching and methodological innovations in the design process A study on the protocols of conceptual design with Design and Engineering Students

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Mauricio Guerrero Valenzuela


Conceptual design is one of the key activities where the formal aspects and the appearance of the product are defined. This research argues that there is a concordant understanding during the development of the conceptual design process, commonly shared by the multiple domains of design. The purpose of the study was the identification and classification of a set of actions regarding the conceptual design activity and of the initial steps necessary to start the design process. To evaluate the approach, a questionnaire was applied to students of design and engineering of Chile, Spain and Mexico, from a series of consistent and coherent sequences and actions on which the discussion is elaborated. The analysis of the results obtained, is extracted from the degree of importance and frequency of the selected variables. The exploratory research identifies the initial steps and sequences that are part of a common structure, used in the development of the design process. There is a clear approach and concordance between designers and engineers for the resolution of the design problem.

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