Synergy between culture, commerce and tourism. Barrio de Las Letras neighborhood in Madrid as an innovative destination to design the use of its cultural heritage

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Blanca García Henche


The tourism sector has a great capacity for renewal, absorption and creativity, which enables it to produce goods, services and experiences, prioritizing, in some cases, daily needs of the inhabitants of tourist destinations over its own dynamism. For this reason, overcrowding of tourists lead to the trend of decorating many urban centers, losing all its cultural and patrimonial value. The present work seeks to describe how the proximity between small companies enables the transformation of a commercial and historical zone, creating an image of destiny and increasing its patrimonial value. To this end, the barrio de Las Letras (Las Letras neighborhood) has been selected in Madrid, because it is working on the valorization of commercial and cultural heritage. These actions are essential in the era of globalization to prestige and singularize tourist destinations, without losing the essence of the neighborhood and maintaining the daily life of its inhabitants. The barrio de Las Letras serves as an example of the symbiosis between tourism, commerce and culture as axes to value the historical (material and immaterial), cultural and social heritage of this historic area of Madrid. 

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