Methodology for the study and enhancement of iconographic and iconological visual heritage of Playa Ancha, Valparaíso

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Karin Marianne Thiers Hernández


This project aims to study and value the historical icons found in the heritage areas of Valparaíso, specifically in the Playa Ancha sector, taking as an object of analysis the historic iconographic heritage of houses and palaces. From the methodological point of view, this work is based on the analysis of the iconographic systems developed by the Warburg school in Hamburg during the first half of the 20th century, whose main follower was Erwin Panosfky, and other complementary methods from semiotics used by Ronald Barthes or Umberto Eco. This article will focus on a proposed methodology for fieldwork, which considers the merger between these two methods, which will serve as the basis for the analysis of the objects and situations that make up the image, the conventional meaning of the represented and finally the iconological interpretation of the images. It is important to note that knowing and recovering their historical icons is also rescuing an important part of the social, political and economic actions of their inhabitants, their representations and visual identity. 

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