Compass methodology in multigrade classrooms of rural schools in Chile Capturing the perception of teachers and students

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Jimena Alarcón


The synergies between teaching and learning in rural school environments in Chile have focused on the correlation between students' cognitive achievements and lecture type classes implemented by teachers. In this dynamic, those who impart knowledge have an active role, while students are passive recipients. This modality presents weaknesses for the integral development of individuals in the formative stage, due to the limited possibilities of systematic participation. The objective of the research is to register the perception of students and teachers of rural primary schools, regarding the integration of the Compass© methodology of The Index Project, in multigrade classrooms. The methodological approach considers the realization of an educational experience that fuses contents of diverse subjects and contributes to the collaborative work of the project-based approach. Students ideate proposals to contribute to the betterment of their community, empathizing with the environment and its inhabitants. The results are based on perceptual assessments of the participants and show positive aspects derived from the project experience developed. The conclusions refer to the learning potential of the Compass methodology in rural schools with multigrade classroom, valuing collaborative and transversal work, in accordance to the resources of the territory.

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