Drought and its consequences: a new challenge at a local level

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Claudio Moreira


World food consumption and production is at risk. The population is increasing, countries are developing, scenarios are changing, and the resulting uncertainty, forces the State to intensify its efforts to achieve the expected development and provide for its citizens. Climate change has directed the attention of States and institutions (public and private)—either out of fashion or out of true conviction—towards the implementation of new plans or strategies to help face these challenges or potential social, economic and environmental catastrophes. The water footprint that each person or industry leaves behind every day, undermines the reserves for the thousands of citizens who are expected to live and coexist in the cities and towns of each nation. In this essay, we will focus the analysis on the consequences of drought at the local level. We will identify the behaviors that have increased water scarcity in the regions, as well as the possible associated crises. If these crises are not addressed, they may become real environmental catastrophes like the food shortages mentioned above, migration within the territory or the increase in the occurrence of wildfires.

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