RedBíos UDD: Sustainable Design and Innovation for Biobío

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Paulina Contreras
Alejandra Amenábar
Alex Godoy
Ignacio Toledo
Germán Espinoza
Daniela Reyes
Ángeles Moreno
Francisco Del Despósito
Valeria Lobos


This article seeks to disseminate the RedBíos UDD program, created in January 2021 by the Research Directorate of the Design School of Universidad del Desarrollo, in collaboration with The Index Project, MADIS and CISGER, and funded by the Innovation Fund for Competitiveness of the Regional Government of Biobío. RedBíos UDD aims to generate knowledge on sustainable design and innovation from a regional perspective to: a) strengthen local leadership, b) promote actions for sustainable innovation and c) strengthen the links between the State, academia, business, the environment and society, in order to address the challenges of the Regional Development Strategy (ERD) 2030 and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.

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