Games for COVID-19 A need-based exploration of gamified interventions

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Tjaša Kermavnar
Pieter M. A. Desmet


The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in various unpleasant affective responses and dysfunctional behaviours, which created an urgent demand for effective interventions to support people’s coping and resilience. In addition to common forms of intervention, alternative approaches have also been explored, including the use of COVID-19-themed games to educate people about the pandemic. The present article explores the diversity of games and gamified interventions developed for the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of fundamental human needs. By providing an example of how human needs can inform design decisions, the article aims to inform and inspire readers who are interested in developing new impactful game-based interventions for similar large-scale crises.

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Author Biographies

Tjaša Kermavnar, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology

Tjaša Kermavnar is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Human-Centered Design department at Delft University of Technology. She holds a medical degree, a bachelor's degree in industrial design, and a doctoral degree in ergonomics. Her main research interests lie at the intersection of medical and social sciences with design in the broadest sense, aiming to enable people to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Pieter M. A. Desmet , Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology,

Pieter M. A. Desmet is Professor of Design for Experience and head of the Human-Centered Design department at Delft University of Technology. His main research interest is in design for mood, emotion, and wellbeing. He is partner of Emotion Studio and co-founder of the Delft Institute of Positive Design, an initiative to develop knowledge that supports designers in their attempts to design for human flourishing.


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