A Sustainable approach to revitalise the UAM Azcapotzalco environment

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Alda María Zizumbo Alamilla


This article presents design projects developed by students from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco to meet requests from residents surrounding the unit's communities. The first proposals were obtained using the General Model of the Design Process methodology. However, the results did not meet expectations, so it was decided to rethink the strategy. What to consider in the design process so that the community accepts the proposals? The results were favourable using the Participatory Action Research method and the implementation of participatory intervention proposals (design thinking and participatory design). The program was recognised as Best University Practice in the Promotion of Citizenship. Work continues at the request of the same community in developing a master plan to propose strategic projects with a sustainable approach (economic growth, social inclusion, environmental protection) contemplated in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Author Biography

Alda María Zizumbo Alamilla, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco

Architect, Master in Contemporary Art. Professional experience in urban planning, architecture and community development in agencies such as the Planning Department of the City of Chicago, Illinois, among others. She is currently a professor-researcher in the Department of Research and Knowledge. She is attached to the area of Disruptive Design Research. Research topics: Design and innovation, Participatory and community design, Design and CAD/CAM/CAE technology, Art and digital technologies.


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