BIG barrio Innovation and design arena

Main Article Content

Hugo Rojas


This document proposes the BIG barrio initiative from a research-project process. It is oriented towards the digital transformation of the territories as a viable strategy for social and public innovation in the city. An approach focused on the needs that, in a latent way, are expressed in the communities of users and residents of the neighbourhoods within a new socio-technological cycle of inhabiting. A new relationship with space and time after the experience of confinement. The neighbourhood as an innovation arena brings together different actors: academic, public, private and the neighbourhood community, in a joint work model of transdisciplinary and cross-sectorial co-design, under the operation format of an urban living laboratory. BIG barrio is an intelligent neighbourhood management platform that mitigates local socio-territorial inequality. It promotes a polycentric development of a close and weightless city through its interoperability in a digital network, placing citizens and their interests at the centre to enhance their associativity and relationship with the common and the public. A city design that expands the use value of its existing infrastructure, providing it with expanded physical-digital services which enable opportunities for citizens.

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Author Biography

Hugo Rojas, Laboratorio U, Campus Creativo, Universidad Andrés Bello

Director of Projects and Content at Lab U. Smart City Research and Projects Line Manager. He leads multidisciplinary work teams, linking functional creative processes with technological development processes focused on people and territory. He is an Expert Counterpart of the ViGUD / Viña Gestión Urbana Digital Programme to develop a platform of physical-digital services in the City's public space.


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