Epidemiological analysis: hospital discharge rate due to traffic accidents in Chile, in the 2002-2019 period


  • Joaquín Santander Olave Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile
  • Diego Martinez Hoffmann Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile
  • Rodrigo Flores Villanueva Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile
  • Nicolas Riquelme Iriarte Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile
  • Jose Antonio Ribao Bravo Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile
  • Alejandra Behne Alvayay Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana de Santiago - Universidad del Desarrollo , Chile




Traffic accident, Traffic trauma care, Epidemiology, Hospitalization, Traumatology


Introduction: Traffic accidents are a significant public health problem that is generally preventable. Objective: To describe the rate of hospital discharges due to traffic accidents during the period 2002-2019 in Chile. Methodology: A descriptive observational study of a longitudinal ecological type was conducted. Using data from the Department of Statistics and Health Information and the National Institute of Statistics of Chile, a descriptive analysis of rate of hospital discharges due to traffic accidents on public roads between 2002-2019 in Chile was performed, focusing on time, sex, age, and regions. Results: A total of 224.088 cases were studied during the period, resulting in a rate of hospital discharges of 72,5 cases per 100.000 inhabitants. The highest rates were recorded in 2005, with a predominance in the male sex, patients aged 20-34 years, and within the Metropolitan Region. Discussion: There is a decrease in rate of hospital discharges during the studied period, which could be attributed to changes in government measures and road safety laws. The main affected group was young men (20-34 years old), related to a lower awareness of risky behaviors, concentrated in regions with higher population density, such as the Metropolitan Region. Conclusion: Traffic accidents in Chile follow international patterns, showing a predominance in young male populations and in areas with higher population density.


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How to Cite

Santander Olave J, Martinez Hoffmann D, Flores Villanueva R, Riquelme Iriarte N, Ribao Bravo JA, Behne Alvayay A. Epidemiological analysis: hospital discharge rate due to traffic accidents in Chile, in the 2002-2019 period. Rev. Conflu [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];8. Available from: https://revistas.udd.cl/index.php/confluencia/article/view/1229



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