International Prevention Strategies for Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury, Primary prevention, Secondary prevention, Tertiary preventionAbstract
Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injury is a concept that describes a wide range of injuries that occur in the brain and can be defined as a disturbance in normal brain function caused by a blow, jolt, or penetrating injury to the head. Despite being a preventable disease, its incidence and mortality have been increasing and this trend is projected to continue. Objective: Synthesize the current evidence on the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of Traumatic Brain Injury at an international level. Methodology: A bibliographic search of systematic reviews and meta-analysis was carried out on the Pubmed platform with a range of 10 years in Spanish and English. In addition, gray literature was used that included the use of different international guides, associations and institutions. Development: At the primary level, the use of helmets, fall prevention, alcohol consumption and seat belts stand out for their relevance. Regarding the secondary level, it is early treatment that becomes important while the tertiary level is characterized by interventions such as tranexamic acid, ventilation therapy and rehabilitation. Conclusion: Traumatic Brain Injury is a pathology to be considered in the international context due to the incidence and mortality it presents. There are various interventions that can be applied at both the primary, secondary and tertiary levels and that must be included in care protocols.
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