Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been previously published. It is also not in the process of being evaluated or published in another journal.
  • Bibliographic references are in APA 7th edition style and include URL addresses or DOIs, when possible.
  • The paper is in Microsoft Word format and fits the extension and style specifications indicated in the Author Guidelines.
  • All the tables included in the document are referred to in the text, numbered consecutively and made in the Word file with editable texts.
  • All images included in the document are referred to in the text and numbered consecutively. Its use has been authorized.
  • The author or authors´ names, respective institutional affiliations, and any information that would reveal their identity have been deleted from the Word file.

Submission rules and manuscript style

The papers sent for publication in Base Diseño e Innovación must meet the following requirements:


> The paper has not been previously published. It is not in the process of being evaluated or published in another journal.

> The article has been written in Spanish or English.

> The length of the text must be 5,000 words (maximum), including the title, abstract, keywords, the body of the paper, tables, notes and references.

> The paper file has been formatted in a Microsoft Word file.

> The file's format and style specifications must be: Letter size, 2 cm margin on each edge, New Times Roman size 12 font, 2.0 spacing and numbering in the upper right corner of each page.

> The name of the author(s), their respective institutional affiliations, and any information that would reveal their identity must be deleted from the file.

> All the tables included in the file must be referred to in the text, be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and have a title.

> Tables must be made in the Word file with editable text (do not use tables as embedded images).

> All figures included in the file must be referred to in the text and numbered consecutively (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).

> All figures in the file must have a caption with the figure's number, its title and a brief review of its content.

> All images must be sent as separate files in JPG format and 300 dpi resolution.

> The images included in the document will be the author's or authors' responsibility and must have the necessary authorizations.

> Bibliographic references must be in APA 7th edition style and include URL addresses or DOIs, when possible.

> Suggested structure for research articles: (a) Title of up to 12 words, (b) Abstract of up to 250 words, (c) three to five keywords, (d) Introduction, (e) Methodology, (f) Results, (g) Discussion, (h) Conclusions, (i) References in APA format 7th edition.


Submission Procedure

The papers are received through the editorial management platform of Base Diseño e Innovación. Each document must be in Microsoft Word format and the author(s) must register, complete the information required and upload the corresponding document.


Editorial process

Papers are evaluated by a double-blind review, in which authors and evaluators do not know each other's identity and institutional affiliation. The editorial team considers the relevance of the material received, promptly notifying the author regarding the acceptance or rejection of the material sent.

In case of discrepancy between the peer evaluation, the editor(s) will decide to accept, request modification, or reject the article.

The editors will gather in a single document the evaluations of each reviewer. They will send them to the respective authors to inform the reasons for the acceptance, request for modifications or rejection of the paper. The author(s) will have a period of three weeks to make the modifications requested by the journal.

If the article is subject to corrections, the editor(s) will receive the new version and verify compliance with the observations and suggestions made by the evaluators. If further doubts arise, the editor(s) will contact the author(s).

Once the evaluation process of all the articles has been completed, the editor(s) will notify the Editorial Committee of the new issue's contents to obtain suggestions for the final publication.