Design for new perspectives in urban mobility

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Alexandre de Oliveira Lot
Cecilia Consolo


Urban mobility is an important property of the people that promotes access to the city. However, the current model of urban mobility generates social and environmental issues, reducing inclusivity, accessibility and health, delaying humane development of cities, resulting in urban crisis. Considering design as a tool to improve people's interaction with the environment, as it can initiate and materialise social innovations. How can design provide new urban mobility perspectives? From the empirical analysis of urban mobility issues in the Brazilian cities of São Paulo and Campinas, between 2017 and 2022, accessing definitions of mobility and questions from sustainable development and revision of literature, the work presented summarises five main aspects for the appliance of design at new urban mobility perspectives improving life quality to people, and enlist five case studies from design-mobility projects, addressing the way designers contribute in such projects.

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Author Biographies

Alexandre de Oliveira Lot, School of Design, Faculdades de Campinas (FACAMP)

Graduated in Design and post-graduated in Business Management at FACAMP. Co-founder of Coletivo Cidade e Memória, author of TRIALL: Tricycle for the Elderly, co-author of the Manifesto for Sustainable Mobility in Campinas. Was a Designer at Bluesky Design, and E-Moving, the first e-bicycle subscription company in Brazil. Currently is a Product Designer at Voltz Motors and Member of the Regional Committee of the Transit Council in Campinas.

Cecilia Consolo, Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP)

Cecilia Consolo is a designer, brand consultant and reviewer, with PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. As a consultant, works at conception of brands and expression systems. Conducts analyses, monitors activities and trajectory of brands in the market, and in-company laboratories to define the positioning of brands, and to innovate in new products. Author of the book “Marcas: Design Estratégico” published by Blucher, among other titles.


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