Secular religion and political utopia
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secular religion
woldly eschatology
new man


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de Borja Gallejo Pérez de Sevilla, F. (2016). Secular religion and political utopia: Searching a definition. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (9), 121–148. Retrieved from


As long as traditional religion was taking away from the plane of politics, new forms of worship to the only temporary were emerged. The philosophical construction of the State through the contractarian theories and the assault of the ideologies after the French Revolution contributed to deify man, who made politics the sacred object of his religion. The ideologies designed a series of political utopias of whose existence depended on the eradication of evil and production of a new and immnent man emerged from reason and progress, and heir to a new stage of civilization. The faith of men in an extracorporeal life was finally replaced by a worldly faith in earthly salvation in the political sphere and under the State tuition.

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