Perception of caregivers of children who are in the complementary feeding stage regarding the baby led weaning method in Chile during the year 2023




Infant nutrition, Feeding methods, Choking


Introduction: The Baby-Led Weaning method has emerged as an alternative to traditional complementary feeding, promoting children’s autonomy in the feeding process. Objective: The Aim of this study is to understand caregivers' perceptions of the Baby-Led Weaning method in Chile during the year 2023. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in Chile in 2023, involving 89 caregivers of children aged 6 to 18 months. A validated 23-question survey collected data on the benefits, risks, and challenges of Baby-Led Weaning. Results: 97.75% of caregivers perceived Baby-Led Weaning as beneficial for orofacial muscle development and feeding independence, while 95.45% reported improved chewing. However, 33.71% expressed concerns about choking, particularly with hard solid foods. Additionally, 66.29% of caregivers did not receive professional guidance. Discussion: Baby-Led Weaning is perceived as a method that enhances orofacial development and self-regulation in feeding, agreeing with existing studies. Although choking risks were not significant, caregivers highlighted the importance of first aid training in all the parents. The lack of professional guidance underscores the need for increased awareness of Baby-Led Weaning among healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Baby-Led Weaning is positively valued for its benefits in child development. However, caregiver training and professional support need to be strengthened to ensure safe implementation.


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How to Cite

Cortez Bandack C, Gil Araya A, Ibaceta Espinoza M, Sanzana Salinas B, Gillmore San Martin C. Perception of caregivers of children who are in the complementary feeding stage regarding the baby led weaning method in Chile during the year 2023. Rev. Conflu [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];8. Available from:



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