The horizontal mandatory power of the argentinian Supreme Court decisions and the stare decisis
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Stare decisis
Argentinian Supreme Court


How to Cite

Legarre, S. (2020). The horizontal mandatory power of the argentinian Supreme Court decisions and the stare decisis. Derecho Público Iberoamericano, (4), 237–254. Retrieved from


This paper studies the horizontal stare decisis. First, it examines the horizontal stare decisis in the common law system and concludes that, following the particular judicial opinion of Justice Brandeis in Burnet v. Colorado Oil: i) the horizontal stare decisis is not a mandatory juridical rule; ii) in constitutional cases the horizontal stare decisis is even less stronger. In the second part, the paper compares those conclusions with the Argentinian Supreme Court case law. The author argues that the Argentinian case law is erratic: sometimes the Court has followed its own prior precedents, but in other cases the Court has not followed them, without giving a specific argument. He concludes that there is no horizontal stare decisis in the Argentinian Supreme Court, although is possible to find some exceptions.

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