Family study: clinical case analysis of an elderly person diagnosed with diabetic Foot from a mental health approach
Aged, Mental health, Pressure injuryAbstract
Introduction: The present family study addresses the main health problems of an elderly person, initials CQJ, aged 67 years, highlighting her mental health status, with verbalized suicidal ideation, a limited support network, and a pressure injury to the right heel. The clinical case is introduced with a description of the purpose of the study and a family assessment is presented to analyze the social and emotional environment of the index case. Objective: To analyze the main health problem of the index case in order to design strategies and interventions together with the multidisciplinary team. Methodology: A nursing care process was carried out to address the problems identified, especially those related to mental health. The tools used included a genogram, family classification and an ecomap to collect and analyze relevant information. Results: Two priority nursing diagnoses related to mental health and physical condition were formulated, implementing specific interventions directed to the index case CQJ. Discussion: The most relevant aspects of the case were analyzed, highlighting the activities and interventions designed to address the priority diagnoses, with emphasis on comprehensive care that encompasses the mental and physical health of the elderly person. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of timely care for the elderly, particularly in relation to mental health, and identifies new relevant topics for future research in Chile.
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